Criminal Justice
Judge texted bailiff, clerk that he can’t be in court next day because ‘I just shot my wife,’ jurors are told
Orange County Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Ferguson appears during a hearing at the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center on Aug. 15, 2023, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Damian Dovarganes/The Associated Press)
A California judge admitted that he shot his wife in a text to court personnel, in a police car and when sitting alone in a police interrogation room, jurors were told Wednesday.
Judge Jeffrey Ferguson of the Orange County Superior Court in California is accused of fatally shooting his wife in August 2023 while watching the AMC TV show Breaking Bad at their home and arguing about finances. Their adult son was also present.
Law360, the Associated Press and KABC have coverage.
Ferguson’s defense lawyer maintains that the shooting was an accident, according to the AP.
Orange County, California, Deputy District Attorney Seton Hunt showed jurors a copy of a text to Ferguson’s clerk and bailiff, the articles report.
“I just lost it. I just shot my wife. I won’t be in tomorrow. I will be in custody. I’m so sorry,” the text said.
Jurors were also shown a video of Ferguson muttering to himself in a police interrogation room, according to Law360.
“I killed her. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, convict my ass. I did it,” he said.
In the back of the police car, Ferguson said, “I killed my wife. F- – -. Ugh, s- – -,” video showed.
At the police station, Ferguson’s blood alcohol level was 0.065. Hunt said a forensic scientist would testify that the level was likely 0.17 or more when Ferguson’s wife, Sheryl, was shot.
The adult son testified that he had stepped outside as his parents argued and heard his mother say words to the effect, “Why don’t you point a real gun at me?” The son said he turned around and saw his father fire the gun, according to Law360.
Hunt is seeking a second-degree murder conviction, according to KABC. It’s unclear whether jurors will also be able to consider a manslaughter charge.
See also:
Criminal court judge, 72, arrested in wife’s shooting death
Judge who made ‘reckless’ Facebook allegation about prosecutor is admonished
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