Sunday, September 8, 2024

After Oscars Slap, Liberal Stephen Colbert Says Biden Should Slap Fox News Reporter Peter Doocy

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Johnny Carson, the undisputed forever king of late night comedy, once said of mixing the brand of late night comedy with politics that, “Once you start that, you start to get that self-important feeling that what you say has great import. And, you know, strangely enough, you could use that show as a forum to sway people. And I don’t think you should as an entertainer.”

Too bad “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert failed to get that memo.

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The Left Once Again Calls For Violence

Tuesday night, Colbert joked that, because Fox News Channel White House correspondent Peter Doocy dared to ask a question of President Joe Biden, that maybe Biden should, in true Oscars fashion, pull a Will Smith and slap Doocy.

Colbert described Doocy as a “ridiculous man asking a ridiculous question.” Doocy was asking Biden to clarify his comments made last week in Europe, when he said that if Russia were to use chemical weapons, it would “trigger a response in kind” by the U.S.

Just in case Colbert failed to get the other memo that explained that words and phrases actually have meaning, was he aware that the phrase “in kind,” according to Cambridge Dictionary, means “in the same way”? 

So to break it down in a way that even Colbert can understand, Doocy was trying to clarify whether or not the U.S. would use chemical weapons against Russia. 

Given Biden’s other proclamations last week, like calling for regime change in Russia, no question is too ridiculous to ask this president.

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Liberals: ‘Trump Will Get Us Killed’

Funny thing about liberals like Colbert. When they are calling for violence, it’s all fun and games and jokes. Hold up a severed head of a sitting president, no problem. Shoot and nearly kill a sitting Congressman, we don’t talk about it and we can pretend it never happened. Slap a journalist if he dares question the Great Leader in Washington!

For the duration of Donald Trump’s presidency, liberals clutched their pearls and declared that Donald Trump, through a series of mean tweets or some other dastardly deed, was going to get them all killed.

In September of 2020, Slate magazine even went so far as to infer that, of course because of Trump, the phrase “troll the libs” was now “steadily escalating” into “kill the libs.”

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Who Owns Who?

While Stephen Colbert continues to be the class clown who might have been funny at one time but no longer is, Peter Doocy continues to call out the Biden Administration.

Here are just a few greatest Doocy hits.

Doocy exposing the fact that Joe Biden is not aware that his administration is even doing damage control let alone how much.

The list is long. Here’s a few more!

While most Americans are divided on “the slap,” ironically for Stephen Colbert, Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld is number one in the late night time slot.

Source link : thepoliticalinsider

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