Saturday, September 7, 2024

Carnegie Mellon Professor Claims Stacey Abrams Lost Due to Racism

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While we didn’t witness the much anticipated ‘red wave’ this last Tuesday, there was one notable blue loser – Stacey Abrams.

Between Abrams and Beto O’Rourke, I’m not sure which one has perfected the art of losing; Beto has Abrams beat since he’s run for just about everything under the sun and lost, but Abrams is just getting started.

What was unique about this particular loss for Stacey is that she acknowledged that she lost with a concession speech because it’s no longer en-vogue to be an election denier if you are a Democrat. But don’t worry, the excuses for why she lost are plenty. The liberals certainly don’t want to believe it’s because she’s a lousy candidate.

The theory behind Stacey’s epic loss to Governor Brian Kemp seems to be twofold from the left: it’s either because black men are gullible or because of white racists.

Thankfully, there is a Ph.D. professor to explain how you are white, from Georgia, and didn’t vote for Abrams – you are a racist.


Professor Uju Anya of Carnegie Mellon University tweeted the following regarding Stacey Abrams’s loss:

“They will tell you Stacey Abrams lost, because Black men didn’t vote for her. It’s not true. She lost, because white people didn’t vote for her. Do not fall for the narrative that blames Black people for white racism and misogynoir.”

Oh boy, so much to unpack in this one. But first, let’s talk about that last word in that tweet, shall we?

If it looks familiar, it should; it’s an adaptation of the actual word misogyny into a made-up word. Misogyny, which just about any woman is familiar with, is an ingrained distaste and prejudice towards women.

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This made-up word misogynoir is meant to signify an ingrained distaste and prejudice towards black women. What I find interesting is Ms. Anya is a professor of critical applied linguistics, which I guess means you can make up words to fit your applicable victimhood.

Now let’s discuss the meat of her argument: that white racists are to blame for Ms. Abrams’s loss.

Before We Go Any Further…

As for the charge that white Georgians are racist, it’s going to be news to them. “Professor” Anya may have missed this one tiny little point: 

Those racists who didn’t vote for Stacey Abrams voted either for Raphael Warnock, who is black, or Herschel Walker, who is also black. 

So I’m not sure how it works. Were they racist when they filled in the bubble for Kemp, and then two seconds later not racist when they voted for Warnock or Walker? 

As you’ll see below, it doesn’t matter to Anya or people who spout this racial ideology.

It’s Black; It’s White

Just like the rest of the world, Stacey Abrams knew she would lose; I don’t believe she goes into any race to win but merely as a way to elevate herself as a celebrated fake martyr. She teed up her inevitable loss by blaming gullible black men, stating:

“Unfortunately, this year, black men have been a very targeted population for misinformation. Not misinformation about what they want but about why they want what they deserve.”

If none of that made sense, don’t worry; it’s not meant to make sense – it’s merely to displace blame away from herself onto the demographic she claims to care about. Interestingly, Stacey is part of the ‘They’ that Ms. Anya points her twitter finger at as pushing misinformation on who is to blame.

Much like the hit song by the late Michael Jackson, for individuals like Stacey Abrams and Uju Anya, it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white… you’re wrong and racist either way.

RELATED: Stacey Abrams Concedes After Failing to Win Imaginary Reelection Bid

Sound Familiar?

If the name Uju Anya sounds familiar, it’s because she’s quite the Twitter user and prolific hater. For example, when Queen Elizabeth II was lying on her deathbed, she caught Twitter fame for saying:

“I heard the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating.”

She went on to state:

“That wretched woman and her bloodthirsty throne have f***** generations of my ancestors on both sides of the family, and she supervised a government that sponsored the genocide my parents and siblings survived. May she die in agony.”

Why do I feel her ancestors wouldn’t be proud of what their descendant puts out into the world? Carnegie Mellon University condemned what she said on her Twitter account. However, this individual still teaches at the high-brow Pennsylvania school.

However, this wouldn’t be the first time there had been questions about whether this educator should still be teaching.

What Do You Teach Again?

Some people should probably delete their Twitter accounts and go through some sort of Twitter detox center, including Professor Anya. She was in hot water with the university before for tweets where she used an ethnic slur directed at African Americans.

Yes, you read that right. She tweeted:

“No shade at the good sis. HOWEVER, Akata need to quit with these assumptions that their Blackness is the only one alive in the Americas…”

If you are unfamiliar with the word Akata I wouldn’t blame you, it’s not your typical ethnic slur. The term is used in a derogatory fashion to describe black individuals, specifically ancestors of slaves.

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It’s akin to calling someone a “cotton picker.” Do you know who did know what that word meant or at least should’ve known what that word meant and the reaction it would illicit?

A professor of critical applied linguistics and critical sociolinguistics. In fact, the Foundational Black American organization launched a petition to remove the professor from the roughly $58,000 a year institution to no avail.

So I suppose when it comes to Ms. Anya, it doesn’t matter if you are black or black; if you aren’t black and from the same place and same historical ancestral background as her, you’re racist? It’s honestly hard to follow.


This sort of hypocrisy and ridiculousness grinds my gears, and it doesn’t do anything to solve the genuine issue of racism. So let’s take a look at one more Uju tweet:

“Your periodic reminder that white Hispanics are white people. Their ancestors enslaved Black people, and these descendants today still continue to promote and benefit from white supremacist hierarchies in societies shaped by anti-Blackness.”

Uju Anya is a racist who hides behind her over-diploma’d bio and ethnicity to excuse and perpetuate hate and racism. Stacey Abrams didn’t lose because white people who didn’t vote for her were racist or because black men who didn’t vote for her were ignorant.

Stacey Abrams lost because she didn’t connect to the people she claimed to want to serve, and she’s a terrible candidate. Are there racist white voters?

Sure. Just like there are racist black professors. But they are not why Ms. Abrams lost; she’s just a great loser. 

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